Monday, March 30, 2009


Scientific name: Letrinus harak
French: Bossu d' herbe, Emperor Lentilles
Japanese: Nisehana-fuetuki, Shimori-fuetuki
Cebuano: Katambak, Kirawan, Kiros, Uwan-uwan
Tagalog: Bakutut, Batilya, Kanupig

Upwards at $100 buck a cut, KOBE BEEF is truly a high end luxury. A fillet mignon of Kobe beef is utterly transcendent. Juicy, buttery with melt-in your mouth quality that puts even prime rib to shame. It epitomizes what a LUXURY FOOD is. A steak knife is not needed and thats how tender it is. It's so perfect that a dash of ketchup and other seasoning is not needed anymore. Remember that its a dairy product and have lots of omega 6 fatty acid in it.

This southern PHILIPPINE delicacy though rare as it is ( fishermen harvest tons of other species here but this species are captured only by about 30 kilos a day) also has qualities that can be called the way KOBE BEEF is. It also has a melt-in-your-mouth qualities and it also needs no seasoning to be appreciated as a luxury seafood aside from its healing and medicinal qualitiy. It is the "Katambak" in vernacular and its scientific name is Letrinus Harak or Lentjan, and have lots of omega 3 fatty acid too.

Too much of omega 6 rather than omega 3 fatty acid can lead to a coronary heart ailment, asthma, cancer, autoimmunity and neurodegenerative diseases all of which stem from inflamation from the body. The imbalance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids may also contribute to obesity, depression, dyslexia, hyperactivity and even a tendency towards violence. Bringing the fats into proper proportion may actually relieve those conditions, according to Joseph Hibbeln, MD, a psychiatrist at the National Institute of Health and perhaps the world's leading authority on the relationship between fat consumption and mental health. At the 2006 Nutrition and Health Conference sponsored by the University of Arizona's College of Medicine and the Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Hibbeln cited a study showing that violence in the British prison dropped by 37% after omega 3 and vitamins were added to the prisoners' diet.

If you follow an "anti-inflamatory diet", cut down on omega 6 diet and eat more oily fish. Believe me, your body and mind will thank you.

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