Monday, October 18, 2010

Oroquieta City Fiesta Parade

A king is a symbol of the nation's unity seeing themselves as better dressed, better looking, center of attention and most virtuous of all.
Rituals provide means in which they can express their feelings and their sense of great religious occasions.

Body and spirit moving in unison in a dance to appease the spirits in a traditional and romantic ritual  associated with monarchy.

What we need are good people's good governance by imitating God. Kings, absolute or constitutional, and dictators  have provided and can provide good governance without losing the common touch.  

A long time ago, the semi-divine force found in various emblems as the sword, the orb, the scepter and the crown means absolute power delivered from the altar of God by his servants to the king who by virtue of that, may imprison or behead anybody without trial, tax people without their knowledge, or make peace or war without the permission of the people.

The king is the absolute master, above the law and everybody fell on their knees before addressing him. Certain countries having Absolute Monarchies like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Oman, Qatar and Swaziland and Great Britain with 29 others having constitutional monarchy retain their rulers that seem permanently established and more are coming according to the signs including Royal Families that appears homely, good natured, friendly, considering themselves glorified and idealized, better dressed, better looking, richer, wiser, and popularly virtuous.

Why does a bride like dressing up in white satin gowns embellished with colorful accents that go with it? It is no doubt partly for the show and also because the wedding is the crucial event in her life and those of millions like her. She is promising herself for life to the man she loves. Signing at the bottom of the civil register does not adequately express this but a religious ceremony and ritual does. Human beings feel that serious emotion and important event should be bodily expressed with the spirit intertwined in the ritual that fully satisfies.

Modern life lack so much that people feel and experience certain amount of frustrations and as a consequence they readily join any club or troupe which involves them in dressing up in some way however unbecoming and performing ritual acts however undignified. They respond more to the romantic and traditional ritual associated with monarchy in which the church can better demonstrate.

Hero worship is innate in humans and if there is no provision for that like a king which history have proven to be healthy as Christ The King, they have a substitute like Hitler.

In a modern democratic society and setting, this kind of autocratic monarchy is completely out of harmony except in the entertainment realm of a fiesta or other occasions and certain exceptions, we have the right to choose our government and get rid of corrupt ones as we please.