Sunday, May 17, 2009


Freedom is the very essence of our democracy. The state of being FREE rather than in confinement or under physical restraint, exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etcetera. Personal liberty as opposed to bondage, dictatorship or slavery, exemption from ties and obligation.

Governments are put in place to serve the needs of the people and ensure that their basic inalienable and undeniable rights are protected. Among these are, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with the aid of almighty God, and in order to build a just and honest society that shall embody the peoples ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop the patrimony of the nation, and secure to the people and their posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace...(FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FALLEN IN IRAN FOR DEMOCRACY, LET THIS BE KNOWN TO ALL MEN THAT THEIR LIVES HAVE NOT BEEN IN VAIN, THEY HAVE SPOKEN AND HEARD, THEY HAVE SHOWN HOW COSTLY DEMOCRACY IS. WE WHO ARE THE LIVING, KNOW WHAT TO DO! THIS WOULD BE LONG AND SLEEPLESS NIGHTS FOR US KEEPING VIGIL. MAY THE DEMOCRATIC POWER BE WITH YOU ALL.)

I find it hard to understand why some leaders (maybe in the middle of their midlife crisis) are insisting to oppose some of the less fortunate people's choice to pursue their own little happiness by way of legally betting pick 3 lotto with the purpose of finding a glimmer of hope there. - ( one sure thing that I'm sure of whenever there is evidence confusion is the presence of Free Radicals in the body. ANTIOXIDANTS can take care of that - no problem!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Whether due to some trait called persistence or whatever, whether due to his own secret inner vission and goal or his humor about him that kept him winning, or his spiritual, mental and physical preparation in addition to that, I'm sure his opponent has got to do with his victory. His opponent maybe a HITMAN but Pacman is a SUREHITTER. His opponent really is a hitman- always hitting the canvass floor indeed and Pacman a surehitter, always hitting Ricky's lower jaw.

We are what we eat and its a fact that his mother dont forget MALUNGGAY and FISH in her diet and even Pacman who could afford a more glamorous tongue twisting French or Japanese cuisine had it in his diet too. Had Ricky Hatton dicovered the importance of malunggay and fish, maybe it would have ended differently. It is indeed undeniable that, mental, spiritual and physical health through correct choice of food in the diet is the one important factor that makes the winner of us all. It is now high time for all athletes around the world to chose the miracle vegetable (MALUNGGAY and FISH) for their winning edge. This is supposed to be top secret, but not anymore. Just keep your mouth shut! OK?

I dont want to say anything bordering humbug, nonsense, rubish, and a lie. My observation is that there is something strange little circles has to offer in terms of luck especially in these recession times, like a polka dotted garment. Indeed there exist a Feng Shui shroud of mystery about it bringing in the good fortune to the ones having it. One surprising fact is that I know of one former ordinary chinese who became a multimillioner here in the Queen City of the South, Philippines, and do you know what the old mother's firm insistence on what to have in their diet? MALUNGGAY and Fish -Everyday. Now they own the very shipping company that ply the north to south route and vice versa in the Philippines. They were very lucky businesswise - maybe because of the energy and biodynamics little circles that MALUNGGAY have- Pure Luck. Rejecting and refusing to taste all other recipes, my formerly struggling close relative that owns a chain of hotels now insists on this healing and lucky food-TINOLA, (fish and malunggay stew) almost on a daily basis, though he could easily afford a lot more. The same with his affluent brother in another distant city owning a successful business venture too.
Another Feng Shui lucky charm that I'm aware of , and is practiced by a lucky few here is that, on the opening day, whenever one opens a business venture, there are all kinds of small little round fruits, including aromatic ones of all sizes displayed on the banquet table to let the energy in. A lucky one. And, so far, in my observation, I can conclude that - its really effective. This practice is not limited to shops but can also be applied to cars, homes and to people in general. SSSSHHH!

When will you and I also become one of them? Lucky too!


We just hope that this virus is a naturally occuring one and not the result of some careless bio-engineers engaged in some bioterrorism experiments nowadays or some sinister pharmaceutical ventures trying to make billions of dollars in such satanic and criminal way. Or a "BETA TEST"????????Beta testers must be caught and sent to their proper places-to jail! Also, some drug sales representatives according to one news item, must be monitored closely and watched carefully and sent to prison if caught in flagrante delecto spreading those virus.

In some investigative laboratory study, VIRGIN COCO OIL was observed to exhibit better antioxidant property counteracting free radicals, than refined, bleached and deodorized coconut oil. The virgin coconut oil produced through fermentation method had the strongest scavenging effect on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and the highest antioxidant property based on the b-carotene-linoleate bleaching method. However, virgin coconut oil obtained through the chilling method had the highest reducing power. The major phenolic acids detected were ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid. Very high correlations were found between the total phenolic contents and scavenging activity (r=0.91), and between the total phenolic content and reducing power (r=0.96). There was also a high correlation between total phenolic acids and b-carotene bleaching activity. The study indicated that the contribution of ANTIOXIDANT capacity in virgin coconut oil could be due to phenolic compounds.

VIt C is one of the antioxidant coumpounds which counters free radical damage including VIRGIN COCONUT OIL. The healthiest oil on earth. A VIRUS KILLER: HIV virus, MEASLES virus, HERPES SIMPLEX virus, HERPESVIRIDAE virus, SYNCTIAL virus, HUMAN LYMPHOTROPIC virus (Type 1), VESICULAR STOMATITIS virus(VSV), VISNA virus, CYTOMEGALOVIRUS, EPSTEIN-BARR virus, INFLUENZA virus, LEUKEMIA virus, PNEUMONOVIRUS, and HEPATIS C virus.

Many of today's diseases are caused by omega -6 intake present in beef, soya oil( the one added in mayonaise), canola oil, corn oil, vegetable lard, and the hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils/fats like margarine. These fats causes hormonal imbalance causing OBESITY, MYOMA, OVARIAN CYSTS, and BREAST TUMOURS in women for example. As well as common deadly chronic diseases such as HEART DISEASES, CANCER, ASHTMA, and AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES.

FREE RADICALS are the mean culprit of these ailments and carried by these oils(omega -6) are compounds called polyunsaturates - meaning, many double bonds. And thus are prone to rancidity and free radicals formation such as the lipid peroxides even when exposed to ambient air and room temperature, light, even more so when exposed to high temperature during processing or cooking.

For effective viral counternmeasure, VIRGIN COCONUT OIL can do it। But, of course, get a DOCTORS approaval first. CONSULTATION IS IMPORTANT.