Saturday, March 28, 2009


These Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) seeds are discovered
by scientists to be a perfect water purifier.

Malunggay flower

Scientific Name: Moringa Oleifera

Malunggay-The Miracle Vegetable

Moringa oleifera (Ben oil tree) is the scientific name of the miracle herb often used as vegetable in the Philippines. It is added to a soup be it chicken, pork, beef or fish. In combination with first class fish it becomes a medicinal food for the very sick. The vitamins it carries is Vit. C and other minerals. People in India, Malysia, Thailand and the Philippines have been eating this leaves as part of their food for centuries with very healthy outcomes.

Mark Fritz of the Los Angeles times wrote: "Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable malnuorished mothers to nurse their starving baby. Ounce for ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.

"A dash of Moringa can make dirty water potable. Doctors use it to treat diabetes in West Africa and hypertension in India. Not only it can staunch a skin infection, but moringa also makes excellent fuel and fertilizer."

"It has triple the iron of spinach and more impressive attributes than OLIVE OIL. Both Moringa and the common carrots are diamonds in the roughage department, but Moringa has quadruple the beta carotene, though its green, which is good for the eyes and effective against cancer."

Fritz also reports on the positive results of using Moringa as a substitute for expensive whole milk powder in nutrition projects in depressed third world areas.

Properties of Moringa

1. galactagogue 11. considered abortifacient and emmenagogue
2. rubefacient 12. antioxidant
3. antiscorbutic 13. anti-aging
4. diuritic n 14. anti-ulcer
5. stimulant 15. anti-hypertensive
6. purgative 16. anti-arthritic
7. antibiotic 17. pain reliever
8. antifungal
9. anti-inflamatory
10. has anti-tumour activities on mice studies

Parts utilized: leaves, flowers, young pods and roots

Composition: 36 % Ben oil- palmitic, stearic, oleic, myristic, and behenic acids, phytosterin, two alkaloids the mixture of which has the same action as epinephrine, phytochemicals that attributes to hypotensive effects and anti-cancer properties, the root has sex hormone related properties
Availability: Malunggay capsule-containing 250 mg dried leaves 1-2 capsules daily

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